Simple Vision!

How do we Reach (1), Teach (2), and Release (3) Hurting People through the Power of Jesus Christ?  Check the chart.  It's simple but it works.  Let's do it!!! :)


CRCC Vision Process


Below are some distinictives/ministry thrusts we use to execute our vision, and hopefully change a bit of the world in the process! :)

1. Solid Hermeneutics - the Right Perspective

  • A solid belief that the Bible is God’s Word and a real understanding that His Word is about Him and not us gives us the right worldview.
  • From here, we passionately study Scripture and just as passionately do what it says.
  • Our way of interpreting Scripture puts the focus back on God and what He loves and wants!
  • This is world changing!!!!!

2. Contentment & Integrity- the Right Heart

  • An acceptance that character is more important than success, that "how" is just as important as "what," that who we are on the inside is more important to God than what we have on the outside is critical!
  • We are attempting to release men and women of integrity into the Kingdom…people who are not ashamed to live by God’s Word as it is without manipulation!
  • These kinds of people will give of themselves but stuff isn’t that important! These kinds of people will see their lives as an offering for Christ! These kinds of people will not spend their days in pursuit of pleasures, but will live a "poured-out" life!!!!
  • This is world-changing!!!!!!!!!!!

3. "Jesus is Enough" – the Right Path

  • What else is there? What else can be the message of Christ’s church other than Christ?
  • If we want to change the world, we cannot do it through the power of business, or the power of sports, or the power of marketing, or the power politics. These things are important to be sure; but disconnect them from the power of Jesus Christ and they lose their Kingdom power!
  • People who understand that this whole thing is about Christ are world-changers!!!!!!!!!!
  • He alone is the source of our salvation, our joy, our peace, or hope, and our ministry. He alone is "the Word" who was with God and is God! And He is coming back to judge!

4. Financial Peace and Debt Freedom – the Right Preparation

  • This is HUGE!!!! I pray you do not think we push so hard here for a BMW or better house.
  • Momentum asks: "What could the people of God do for the Kingdom of God if they were debt free?"
  • How many children could you feed? How many orphanages could you support? How many people could you put through college? How many single parents could you bless?
  • Enough already debt for stuff!!!! Your resources need to be free for the KINGDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • But please understand, there is no certain "point" you have to get to to begin be a blessing. Begin now!
  • Financially strong, Kingdom-minded people are world-changers!!!!!!! They impact the Kingdom with money and glorify God!

5. Marriage and Family and Discipling our Children – the Right Foundation

  • In most situations, good ministry flows from a solid home life.
  • Not only that, but as we’ve discussed many times recently, we are called to raise Godly children. How can we change the world if we can’t change our homes?
  • So we push and push for singles, married’s, and parents to:
  1. Obey God’s word on marriage, single-life and family
  2. Live in purity, pushing worldly and ungodly influences out of our homes
  3. Develop a family covenant
  4. Have family devotions and worship
  5. Catechize the children
  6. Serve together
  • This will change the world!!!! Can you imagine unleashing radically saved children into the Kingdom??? I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. Apologetics and Evangelism – the Right Focus

  • Share the Gospel! Preach the Gospel! Teach the Gospel! No MORE FEAR!!!
  • Open your home! Be hospitable!! Change the world!
  • Keep seeking to understand the Word and know how to defend it. It IS under assault.
  • We cannot change the world if we hold the most precious news in creation to ourselves.
  • Gospel preachers (YOU!!) change the world!!!!!!!!!!

7. Missions, and ministry to widows and orphans – the Right Ministry

  • By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him. (1Jn 3:16-19 ESV)
  • Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause. (Isa 1:17 ESV)
  • Can you imagine something closer to God’s heart; that reflects the ministry heart of Christ more?