What Will it Take?

What Will it Take?

Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals.” Wake up from your drunken stupor, as is right, and do not go on sinning. For some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame. (1 Cor 15:33-34)

So, here’s a question: What will it take?

  • What will it take for Christians to wake up from our "drunken stupor?"
  • What will it take for us to see that Satan, or at a minimum, satanic thought, controls the major centers and institutions of power and influence in the West (education, entertainment and arts, government, economic policy, etc.)?
  • What will it take for us to love Christ more than the world and what it offers?
  • What will it take for believers to see that Scripture is Sufficient, that its patterns reflect the heart of God, and that the further away from them we move, the worse things get?
  • What will it take to see that becoming like the culture doesn’t enable us to win the culture?
  • What will it take for us to stop playing church and see that we have moved into a more New Testament environment (i.e., rising persecution against the Church)?
  • What will it take for us to work to build biblical families and churches and to become less dependent upon the world?
  • What will it take for us to make the substantive adjustments needed to raise up a godly and holy generation, in the hopes that one day, God might grant us revival?

I’m not sure.  If the things we’ve seen in the last few years don’t do it, I’m not sure what will.  A major economic collapse maybe, but I’m not sure.

Oh LORD, please forgive us.  Forgive us for promoting ungodliness.  Forgive us for thinking we are smarter than You.  Forgive us for turning our backs on Your precepts while we shout and dance about breakthrough.  Forgive us for giving our children to unbelievers.  Forgive us for destroying millions of babies.  Oh LORD, we are in the midst of thy righteous judgment, with the sins of Sodom legislated and celebrated, and darkness being framed as light and love.  Oh LORD, we see even greater calamities ahead unless You help us.

LORD, show us our national sins. 

LORD, humble us that we might repent.

LORD, strengthen your church, for she is afraid.

LORD, strengthen families that we might live differently.

LORD, silence demonic voices long enough that many more might hear Truth.

LORD, help us…we faint because of our sins and our arrogance...

In Jesus’ Name.