30 Blessings from Fearing the LORD!

The Blessings of Fearing the LORD 

In the King James Bible, the phrase “Fear of the LORD” is given 30 times. In each, some kind of blessing is implied or described! Let us be encouraged in them!

  1. 1Sa 11:7 Courage! Saul asserted himself as king and the people rallied to defeat the Ammonites!

  2. 2Ch 14:14 Victory! When Asa reigned in Judah, he humbly sought the LORD for help against his enemies. (2 Chr 14:11). He defeated his enemies and the people nearby were afraid!

  3. 2Ch 17:10 Peace! Jehoshaphat feared God and cleansed Judah of Asherah worship and sent leaders throughout his cities to teach God’s Word. God blessed such obedience with peace!

  4. 2Ch 19:7 Integrity! Jehoshaphat installed judges throughout the land. Godly fear would make them righteous, incorruptible judges!

  5. 2Ch 19:9 Faithfulness! Reverence and awe of God aligns with and produces fidelity!

  6. Job 28:28 Perspective! Remember what Job went through: the loss of his 10 children, servants, property, and health! Nevertheless, He Feared God and did not charge Him with wrong. (Job 1:22, ESV)

  7. Psa 19:9 Purity! Fearing God according to His Word brings cleanness and practical holiness.

  8. Psa 34:11 Discipleship! The next verses promise long, good life filled with blessed speech and the pursuit of peace. God’s eyes are upon such and He hears their cries! (Ps 34:12-15)

  9. Psa 111:10 Obedience! The Fear of the LORD encourages “doing” His Commandments!

  10. Pro 1:7 Knowledge! The Fear of the LORD enables us to perceive and understand that which is true!

  11. Pro 1:29 Humility! To choose to Fear God is the opposite of the prideful, stiff-necked scorner!

  12. Pro 2:5 Maturity! In context, if one seeks wisdom whole-heartedly, one will find it, and thus, increase his/her knowledge of God.

  13. Pro 8:13 Passion! The Fear of the LORD brings about a holy (not prideful) zeal!

  14. Pro 9:10 Wisdom! The Fear of the LORD is the starting point for Godly wisdom…the application of Godly knowledge!

  15. Pro 10:27 Longevity! Less mistakes and self-inflicted drama often translates to more years!

  16. Pro 14:26 Safety! A person who Fears God brings builds a secure household.

  17. Pro 14:27 Vitality! The word “fountain” means “wellspring.” The Fear of the LORD creates a reserve of strength, enabling better decisions!

  18. Pro 15:16 Contentment! Better to obey God than have worldly treasures!

  19. Pro 15:33 Posture! The Fear of the LORD is “how” one obeys, or applies knowledge. Humbly!

  20. Pro 16:6 Escape! Sometimes, the way of escape is reverent fear! (1 Cor 10:13)

  21. Pro 19:23 Rest! “The fear of the LORD leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied; he will not be visited by harm.” (ESV)

  22. Pro 22:4 Riches! Although relative, humble obedience tends to produce material blessings!

  23. Pro 23:17 Happiness! Joy instead of jealousy; delight instead of discouragement!

  24. Isa 2:10 Reverence! “Fear” in this verse, as well as Isaiah 2:19 and 2:21 below, may be better translated terror. They describe God’s judgment on a rebellious people. Although in Christ, we don’t have to fear such judgment, let us consider a few attitudes that respect the judgment and wrath of Almighty God and view those as blessings!

  25. Isa 2:19 Mercy! Judgment should have fallen upon us! Let us fear the God who spared us!

  26. Isa 2:21 Grace! Although we should be cowering in fear because of the coming Judgment, we have been graced eternal life in Jesus our LORD!

  27. Isa 11:2 Jesus! This verse refers to the Stem and Branch of Jesse…the Messiah…Jesus Christ. Among His holy attributes will be the fear of the LORD! When we Fear God, we follow Christ’s example!

  28. Isa 11:3 Discernment! This verse literally means the Messiah will “smell” or “sense” that which is right. When we follow Christ in awe and reverence, He helps us discern and judge rightly!

  29. Isa 33:6 Treasure! God grants righteousness, wisdom, and knowledge to His people through Jesus Christ. Our rightful response of reverence and awe is precious and brings stability!

  30. Act 9:31 Growth! God honored their deep love and respect for Him! I believe He still does! “The church then had peace throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, and it became stronger as the believers lived in the fear of the Lord. And with the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, it also grew in numbers.” (NLT)

CRC, let us Fear the LORD and be blessed!