6am Prayer Day 3

Merciful LORD,

I come unto Thee this morning asking for one thing for CRCC: JOY!

Sovereign LORD, I’m asking You to give unto us, overwhelming, life-changing, all-encompassing, Holy Ghost empowered Joy in every area of our lives!

Joy that is independent of all circumstances.  Joy that flows from our faith in Thee.  Joy that is based on what You did on the Cross.  Joy that is rooted in Thy Precepts.  Joy that is greater than happiness.  Joy that only increases when the bad report comes!!!!  Joy that isn’t subject to what day of the week it is!!  Joy that looks forward to heaven wherein we shall gaze upon Thee forever and ever!

Yes oh LORD…please grant Thy people unspeakable JOY by Faith!

LORD Jesus, we are in such a battle.  All around us the world shakes its fist at Thee.  Even in Thy Church, we balk at Thy goodness; our haughtiness is on full display as we cast Thy Word aside to please men.  We can read the signs of the times and know that the globe is heading for disaster. 

But YOU oh LORD are Master of the Globe!! YOU are KING and LORD, and YOU are above all things!  Great is the LORD, and greatly to be Praised!

YOU oh LORD have spoken the end from the beginning!  YOU alone oh LORD have all dominion and power!  YOU King Jesus rule and reign and YOU Father will make all things new!  From everlasting to everlasting, Thou alone art God and there is none besides Thee!  YOU are the Creator of all things and YOU alone are mighty to save!

So Thy people have every reason to walk in the Joy of the Kingdom.  Oh LORD, grant our church the JOY OF THE LORD, that our strength in Thee might rise!

Father, I’m praying You grant every family a new and powerful JOY.  Every person a new and powerful joy.  Let them rejoice today and be exceedingly glad!  Jesus is LORD!  Jesus reigns!  Jesus is coming back again!

Father, I’m praying You grant us joy in worship.  Joy when we sign together!  Joy when we pray together!  Joy when we see each other!!!  LORD, may there be less heads hanging down and feeble knees!  May there be less frowns in our countenances.  LORD, may you grant us the peace that comes from keeping our minds stayed upon Thee, obey Thee, and walking in sweet fellowship with Thee!

Father, I’m praying for joyful, happy children in our homes!!  I’m asking You to do a powerful work in our teens!  Grant every 20-something an overwhelming sense of joy despite the pressures they are under!  Imbue every person and ever godly relationship with a JOY they haven’t yet known!  Joyful singles!  Joyful mature saints!  Joy while we serve!  Joyful worshippers!  Joyful unto obedience!  LORD, even joy on social media!!  Hallelujah!  Please LORD!

Oh LORD, let us place our trust, confidence, and hope in THEE!  Let us never forget Thy power, love, forgiveness, grace, authority, and mercy!

You have saved us!  You have purchased us with Thine own blood!  Thou hast called Thy people the apple of Thine eye!

We are totally unworthy of the gift of joy, for we are daily sinners.  And yet Thou hast declared Thy desire that our joy might be full!  Praise your great Name!

May CRCC become a church that rejoices at a greater level.  May we joyfully enter into Thy Presence; may it be with joyful praise that we enter into Thy courts!  May CRCC remember that Jesus is Enough!  Break depression!  Break sins!  Break sadness and loneliness!  Break strongholds!  Break pride!  Break cynicism!  Break nitpicking and gossip!  Break unfaithfulness!  YOU are too GOOD a Savior for those things!  Replace with Thy peace, love, and your JOY!  Heal us with Thy JOY!

Yes oh LORD, we ask Thee for greater JOY.

We love You so much Jesus!


6am Prayer Day 2

LORD and King,

I come to you this morning with the children and younger people of CRCC in my heart. I set them before you…from the unborn and suckling babe to the most mature teen.  

Oh LORD, Thou hast been so good to them.  Thou hast created them.  Thou hast taught them.  Thou hast made us, their parents, aware of the immense responsibility set before us…to oversee and shepherd precious and eternal souls made in Your image!

And we are so grateful for them!  Your Word declares that children are a blessing from Thee, that happy and blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them!

Master, Thou hast commanded that the children of the covenant, children with Christian parents, be taught the things of God.  Thou hast commanded that they be instructed diligently, as we sit in our homes, as we walk with them by the way, as we lie down, and when we rise.  Help us obey Thee!!!!

LORD, Thy Word shows the pattern of worshipping with them, walking with them, singing with them, and serving with them. LORD, never let us forget that each crying baby among us is a joy…that each precious noise we hear reminds us of Thy love and faithfulness!  Each talk with a teen is a privilege!  Each time of family prayer makes heaven smile!  Each time of discipline flows from love and a desire to see hearts change!

But Jesus, we also know that the enemy of our souls seeks to destroy the seed.  We know the devil hates our children.  We know he has concocted an all encompassing worldly net to teach them things contrary to Thy Word…a net that is woven through so much of contemporary life.

Oh LORD, rebuke him.  Stop the plan of the enemy to teach, confuse, trap, and kill our children.  Protect them oh LORD from perversions, lies about who they are, depression and despair, evil media, and ungodly worldviews.  May our homes and our church be cities of refuge!

Help us to see that as parents, we must watch and pray.  We must be mindful that our children, who might know Scripture and be familiar with the things of God, might yet be unredeemed.  

Help us continue to preach the Gospel in our homes!  Help us to keep checking fruit!  Help us to be faithful in discipling them! Help us to pray for them continually, set them before Thy Word continually, and nurture them!  Help us to love them as Thou hast loved them!

Precious LORD, open our hearts even more for hurting children, both down the street and around the world.  So many need a father and mother.  A big sister or brother.  Show us the children who are starving, lost, desperate, angry, and crying out.  Help us protect the children who may be aborted.  Move us to action.

These and so many other things we ask, in Jesus’ Name.


6am Prayer Day 1

Merciful Father,

This morning, I feel a burden from Thee to lift up CRCC Leadership.

So Master, I set them before You…the Pastors, Elders, Deacons, of CRCC.  LORD, these men are tasked with carrying so much.  They have been entrusted by You to shepherd and serve the flock of God.  The burden of leadership can feel just like that, a burden.

But Oh LORD, Thou art merciful and gracious, kind and loving. Thou art a God of strength and deliverance.  Thou art the God who spoke and all things came to be!

LORD, CRCC is Your Church.  You command it.  You also command its’ leaders.  Send Thy Spirit again in power!

LORD, increase our humility.  LORD, help us to understand the nature of impartation…that leaders communicate something to the saints even when they aren’t talking.  Help leaders to know that the church will rise no farther than we do in the things of God.

LORD Christ, rebuke the devil and all unclean spirits around them.  Crush our pride.  Fill us again with the Holy Spirit and with fervor for Thee.  Help us desire holiness. Help us to love as Thou hast loved.  Help us to walk according to the precepts Thou hast laid down for Thy church, that Thy House would not be a source of confusion, but peace.

LORD, bless their precious wives, who are also carrying the burden of local church leadership, by example.  Oh LORD, I’ve seen the stress and struggle.  Please lift up these women of faith to a holy standard!  Oh Lord, bless them indeed from the crown of their heads, to the soles of their feet!  Oh LORD, help them see how precious and needed they are…that their example makes or breaks so much for so many!

Master, I’m so grateful for these men.  May CRCC honor them at a greater level, and may the leader take every opportunity to point others to Christ and to help our church walk according to all that Thou hast given us that Thy loving and powerful hand might be upon CRCC in greater measure.

As leaders, we repent of our sin and ask for your forgiveness.

In Jesus’ Name,

Our Debt Independence Day Story!

July 4th always holds a special significance for my wife and me.  On July 4th, 2008, we paid off our last debt...our home.  (Well actually, the bank was closed so I paid our mortgage down to $.01 online and our family went a branch with one penny a couple of days later.  LOL)  I wrote the following shortly thereafter.  I pray it encourages someone to never quit!

A shout out to Dave Ramsey for all his help.  Bless you brother.  


Well my friends, we've done it. My wife and I have paid off EVERYTHING. House and all. We're DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! Hold on...gotta go do the Snoopy Dance...

Ok I'm back. The bottom line is that we have paid off $200,000 in debt in 5 years. Here is our story. I hope it encourages someone.

Our Total Money Makeover journey began in earnest during the Summer of 2003. But before that, there is a story to tell. In the mid-nineties, my wife and I were both Naval Officers with no kids. We lived in the same house we live in now and I didn't really care about how we spent money. We made over $80k per year at least back then and had nothing at all to show for it. My wife gave me a copy of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace in the 1997 time frame. I "skimmed" it to appease her, but the info didn't stick. I continued to buy cars, motorcycles, motorcycle accessories, computer games, and just about anything else I wanted (on credit of course) at a rapid pace. Although you wouldn't think someone this immature would be in ministry, I was (and am) a minister and began a church in 1997. So I continued to preach, work in the Navy, and spend money like water like everything was all good: no savings, no retirement, no plan, and no clue.

Then it happened. She cried. 

In the late nineties, my wife and I were on one of those timeshare tour things. I think they must have promised us free stuff to lure us in. Anyway, I declined the timeshare because I thought we couldn't afford it. My wife wanted it.  But I, the one "in charge," declined (which of course suggested her vote didn't count...and back then...I'm sad to say it didn't). So not much later and after spending lots of time thinking about our lack of financial discipline and stewardship, my wife just broke down and cried. She looked at me and said, "Not only can we not afford to vacation...we make all this money and we don't have anything to give to those in need." (She no longer wants a timeshare, but you get the idea.)


Like most men who are totally in love with their wives, her tears were simply torture for me. And like most men, I never really "heard" how important this money stuff was to her heart. Her tears were enough to begin the process of shaking me out of my little boy mindset and the beginning of my learning how to MAN-UP for my family.

To give some of you wives a bit of hope, it still took me another 3-4 years of making slow progress before the Gazelle Intensity light clicked on, but the light DID come on. LOL! I was now at least cognizant of personal finance and its impact, and the guidance the Bible offered on the subject was no longer "theory." I was beginning to pay attention, but I was still a slave to my big-ticket item impulses. During the next 3-4 years, I still made HUGE HUGE HUGE little boy mistakes...like buying an Acura MDX for $40k in 2001 KNOWING I was to soon leave the military to be a full-time pastor and take a big pay cut. The payment was over $800!!! DUMB! I did wise up though and sold that beautiful 2001 black on black mint condition wonderfully leathery smelling truck with a sweeeeet navigation system after about a year and shortly before leaving the Navy. But I'm over it. Really. I also bought at least three motorcycles during this same timeframe. Yes I said THREE: trading up all the time to have the newest and fastest. They loved me at the motorcycle dealership!

The light came all the way on in 2003. What happened? The Total Money Makeover book came out. Although my eyes were beginning to come open, my painfully slow progress was still frustrating my wife. We saw the book and I remembered: "Hey, the Financial Peace guy!" So I bought it (probably on a credit card) and read it. That was it. Something changed in me. I finally saw debt as an enemy, not a friend. I saw my wife as someone I was called by God to actually provide for. You'd think a pastor would know this right? LOL. And I did in fact "know" it. But "knowing" and "doing" are two different things. I went from a goober to a gazelle in the time it takes to read one book. I WAS DONE WITH DEBT!!!!!

My wife was soon convinced that I had really changed. During the summer of 2003, we had about $200,000 in debt: credit cards, two motorcycles, a $25k car (I didn't learn my lesson), and a $150,000 mortgage. I sold both bikes (it about killed me), rolled the car and the remaining cards into a mortgage refinance (I know, dumb. But hey, I was still a TMMO newbie!) on a 10-yr note at 4.75%, declared war on debt, and haven't looked back.

By January 2004, all we had left was a $180k mortgage (on a house now worth about $350k). It has taken us from then until now to kill that bad boy. From Jan 2004, WE JUST DID THE PLAN. No credit cards or borrowing of any sort, doing a budget each and every month on paper on purpose, using the envelope system, getting the right kinds of insurance, fully funding an emergency fund (done by end of 2004), investing in retirement, cash flowing home repairs (about $20k worth! Take that Murphy!), cash flowing an adoption, working TOGETHER, and staying intense.

It's amazing how following what Dave teaches can add up to huge savings and increased income. As some quick examples:

  •  Extra jobs, focus and sacrifice: Our income has increased by at least 30% since we started TMMO.
  • Budgeting: Another 5% "increase" at least in terms of doing smarter things with money.
  • Insurance: The HSA alone saved us $400 per month! (We now use a Christian health sharing ministry: Samaritan Ministries.)
  • Getting rid of car and bike payments: easily another $1000 per month. 

Oh well, on with the story. Our precious little girl was born in Jan 2005. Her birth had a huge impact on me. Now I had two girls to provide for; two to ensure had a good life and a bright financial future. It's on now!!!! In Jan 2006, we kicked it up a notch on the mortgage and started going all out. No vacations. Extra work. Yelling at a red "NO MORTGAGE" circle with a line through it on the fridge. I'm talking about total attack mode. And it worked. Today, on Independence Day...we are proud and blessed to say, we are done. We are at Baby Step 7. Praise the Lord!

Over the last few years, we brought FPU to my church several times and most recently, took it up a notch with Dave's Momentum program. We put 80% of the church through FPU at one time. It was awesome. The whole culture of the church changed. So many families are following our lead and getting in position to bless others and change their family trees forever.

My unsolicited advice? Get on a plan and follow it with as much Intensity as you can muster. Seriously. Try not to play around with it. Try not to rationalize why you are different. We just read The Total Money Makeover and did what it said. It worked.


Ok...time for more Snoopy Dancing!